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Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Chapter 7 bankruptcy and student loans

Your finances took a major hit. While you have been trying to pay your bills on time every month, it has gotten harder and harder. Without enough income to work with, you may be falling behind on more than one bill. You may not like the idea of filing for bankruptcy....

Why a Chapter 7 petition may be denied

If you are having trouble staying current on unsecured debts, it may be possible to eliminate them through Chapter 7 bankruptcy. However, there is a chance that a North Carolina judge may require you to file for Chapter 13 protection. There are several reasons why...

A look at non-exempt assets

When you file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in North Carolina, you might have to sell some of your assets to pay off your debts. Typically, certain assets like homes and vehicles are considered exempt, meaning that you can keep these assets while you go through the...


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