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Debt Relief

What are the limitations of second bankruptcies?

Filing for bankruptcy is often a last resort for people who want to reclaim their financial future. If you’ve previously filed for bankruptcy and find yourself in dire financial straights again, you may want to file for bankruptcy protection again. While it’s possible...

Can debt make you sick?

As of 2023, the average U.S. adult carries $21,800 of personal debt (not including any mortgages) and may spend about 30% of their monthly income trying to pay it off (or at least keep up with the payments). Tellingly, 39% of consumers with debt issues feel like it...

How are divorce and bankruptcy related?

Being overburdened with debt can affect anyone, including those going through a divorce. You can declare bankruptcy before or after your divorce. Different factors make these significant life decisions connected. This guide discusses the matter in more detail.  Before...

What are secured and unsecured debts?

People who are drowning in debt may try to decide whether to file for bankruptcy. One factor that comes into the picture when you’re going through this is what type of debts you have. Different debts are treated in different ways when a bankruptcy is filed.  There are...

2 mistakes that can derail your bankruptcy

People declare bankruptcy for a variety of reasons. Perhaps you’ve gone through a costly divorce or are dealing with a medical condition that has left you with a huge medical bill. Or, you’ve lost your job and have since fallen behind on your mortgage or credit card...

I Received a Civil Summons. What should I do?

Lately our office has been receiving more and more of these calls. Clients have received a civil summons from an old creditor and don’t know where to turn. Receiving a civil summons can be scary. Most of the time the Sheriff in your county will deliver the summons to...


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