Getting Credit After Bankruptcy
One of the biggest concerns for people considering bankruptcy is the possibility of not being able to obtain credit in the future, and it is a valid concern.
We live in a world that depends on credit. Homes, cars and other essential items for life in the modern world are simply too expensive to obtain without borrowing. However, lenders are reluctant to loan money to people with poor credit history.
It is possible to rebuild your credit after bankruptcy. Contact the Durham bankruptcy lawyers of Wootton & Wootton, for a free consultation to discuss your bankruptcy options.
Call 919-371-2321 or email us today to schedule your free initial consultation.
Getting Credit After Bankruptcy In North Carolina
Yes, it is possible to rebuild your credit after filing for bankruptcy. In fact, you can buy a home in the future if you rebuild your credit carefully.
Although your credit rating will take an initial hit in bankruptcy, in the long run, filing for bankruptcy can help build your credit:
- It looks good to potential lenders that you are getting rid of your other debts.
- Since you cannot file for a second bankruptcy for a certain number of years, creditors know that you will not be able to discharge debts for a while.
- With the fresh start that bankruptcy provides, you will be able to manage your debts more effectively in the future.
Talk with an attorney from our firm. We will help you through the entire Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy process and find ways to rebuild your credit after bankruptcy.
Contact A Durham Credit Repair Lawyer ∙ Wootton & Wootton
Free Initial Consultations ∙ No Fee Until You File
When we help our North Carolina clients through the bankruptcy process, we charge a flat rate rather than an hourly rate, so there will be no surprises about the cost. Further, we do not charge this fee until the papers are signed, and you are ready to file.
Call 919-794-8660, send a text to 919-382-3065 or contact us online to schedule your free initial consultation with a lawyer from our firm. Consultations are available in person, through the phone or through video conferencing.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.