Credit Card Debt
If you’re like most Americans, you probably have at least one credit card — or perhaps several. It’s easy to turn to credit cards when your finances are tight. If you pay off your entire balance each month, you can steer clear of credit card debt.
However, credit card companies are ultimately out to make money. They do this by charging exorbitant interest rates for those who can’t pay off their balances. When unexpected circumstances — such as divorce, a medical condition or job loss — make it impossible to pay off your credit card bills, you may quickly find yourself in a downward spiral of out-of-control debt. As each month passes, your credit card balance continues to skyrocket. It can be a difficult cycle to escape.
How To Get Out
If you have significant credit card debt, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans struggle with this type of debt. The fact that it’s so easy to get multiple credit cards — and to have high maximums — makes it even harder to stay on top of these bills.
Fortunately, bankruptcy offers a way out. Through Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, you can get rid of your credit card debt without paying any back — or paying only pennies on the dollar. After bankruptcy, you will have a fresh start with a clean financial slate.
Speak With An Attorney — Free Consultation
At Wootton & Wootton, a North Carolina bankruptcy law firm, we can help you get out of debt and find new financial freedom. Contact our offices in Henderson or Durham to sit down with a lawyer during a free consultation. Call us at 919-794-8660, text us at 919-382-3065 or fill out our online contact form. We offer consultations over the phone, through video conferencing or in person.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.