Stop Collection Lawsuits
If you’ve been sued for a debt, your financial circumstances are likely far from ideal. Your debts may continue to spiral out of control unless you take swift action to get out of debt.
Bankruptcy is designed to protect you — the consumer — from the burden of unpayable debts. It also gives you breathing room to sort out your debts and get rid of those that qualify.
A critical part of the process is the automatic stay. This court order, which goes into effect immediately after you file, prevents creditors from collecting on your debts. If you have been sued for a debt, the collection lawsuit will come to a halt. Likewise, your creditors cannot file any new collection lawsuits, nor can they enforce any judgments they obtained against you.
As a practical matter, bankruptcy gives you immediate protection from creditors. It shields you from all collections efforts.
This protection will last the entire length of the bankruptcy proceedings. By that time, most or all your debts will likely be wiped away (discharged).
Let Us Help — Free Initial Consultation, Flat Fees And No Cost Until Filing
If you’re facing collection lawsuits, repossession, wage garnishment or the countless other stresses that go along with out-of-control debt, you owe it to yourself to explore what bankruptcy can do for you. At Wootton & Wootton, our attorneys will sit down with you and walk you through the pros and cons.
With offices in Durham and Henderson, North Carolina, we have a long history of success in helping everyday people get out of debt. We’re passionate about helping people like you become debt-free.
Learn more by calling 919-794-8660, text us at 919-382-3065 or contacting us online to set up your free, no-obligation consultation with one of our lawyers. Consultations are available in person, over the phone or through video conferencing.